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Friday, July 4, 2008

Flash Lite for BREW Publisher for Flash CS3 Pro

From Adobe Labs

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Flash Lite for BREW Publisher for Flash CS3 Professional (preview release)

This preview release of the Flash Lite for BREW publisher includes a plug-in for Flash CS3 Professional that lets you publish your Flash applications to the native BREW application format.

The Flash Lite Publisher for BREW lets you publish your Flash Lite content to the native BREW application format (MOD and MIF files) for testing on supported BREW handsets. Also included in this installation are files necessary for previewing your Flash Lite application in the BREW Simulator, part of the BREW 3.1 SDK (a separate download and installation).

Note: It is recommended that you download and install the BREW SDK 3.1.5 before installing the Flash Lite Publisher for BREW. This will insure that the necessary files for previewing your Flash Lite applications in the Qualcomm BREW SDK Simulator are installed properly.


(last updated 16 April 2007)

Known Issues

  1. This is only a preview release and not the final version.
  2. The plug-in will only work on English versions of Windows operating systems.
  3. Publishing of MOD/MIF files from within Flash CS3 Professional does work correctly and the published files do work in the BREW SDK Simulator and on supported BREW handsets.


There is no direct support for this preview release of the Flash Lite for BREW Publisher for Flash CS3 Professional and is offered as is. If you have any comments or feedback you can post them in our Adobe Flash Lite: BREW discussion group.

ColdFusion Portlet Toolkit

From Adobe Labs

Table of contents [hide]


The ColdFusion Portlet Toolkit is a proof-of-concept library that allows you to use ColdFusion as a Portal Application within an IBM WebSphere Portal Server (WSPS version 5 and greater). A Portal Application can serve several different portlets. Every portlet you deploy will run inside the same ColdFusion Portal Application. This toolkit provides one concrete Portlet called CFCPortlet. This Portlet simply passes the requests on to the ColdFusion server. The ColdFusion then invokes CFC methods to render the Portlet, and to perform actions. You can deploy several instances of this Portlet on your Portal Server. The setting cfcName defines which CFC will be used to marshal the Portlet events.

The ColdFusion Portlet Toolkit is a proof-of-concept. As such, all items available in the toolkit are of experimental quality; we have released them "as is" under the Adobe Labs source license.

Download and Installation

To use the ColdFusion Portlet Toolkit, follow these steps:

1. Download the ColdFusion Portlet Toolkit and see the Adobe Labs source license for terms of use.

Note: Your use of this site including software downloads, submission of comments, ideas, feature requests and techniques on this and other Adobe maintained forums, as well as Adobe’s rights to use such materials, is governed by the Terms of Use.

2. Unzip the Portlet toolkit to a directory on your server, for instance c:\cfportlet\.

3. Follow the detailed installation instructions at Portlet Toolkit Directory\docs\admin-guide\index.html


The ColdFusion Portlet Developers Guide will be installed at Portlet Toolkit Directory\docs\cf-dev-guide\index.html. Items covered in this guide are:

  • Portlet Overview
  • Your First Portlet
  • Building a Simple Portlet
  • ColdFusion Portlet Reference
  • Converting Existing Code to Portlets
  • Known Issues
  • WebSphere API vs JSR-168

Known Issues

There are a few known limitations in the current version with the following features:

  • DateFormat

The DateFormat function does not work from within a Portlet. Workaround: Use the LSDateFormat function instead.

  • TimeFormat

The TimeFormat function does not work from within a Portlet. Workaround: Use the LSTimeFormat function instead.

  • SetLocale

The SetLocale function does not work from inside a Portlet. No workaround is available.


The CFFORM tag with format="flash" does not work inside the Portlet context. No workaround is available.


The CFCHART tag with labelformat="currency" may display the generic currency symbol ¤ by default instead of a $. Workaround: The default locale setting on WebSphere is en (English) with no country setting. To deal with this simply set the default locale to en-US. For Example:

You can also set the default locale using a JVM startup argument.

Edit MS Flex Grid in Two Ways

Note: This is an unedited contribution. If this article is inappropriate, needs attention or copies someone else's work without reference then please Report This Article


Hi all!

This is my second article on Code Project. This is about how to edit MS Flex Grid. I was using TextBox and ComboBox to edit flex grid at run time, for that I had to add reference of Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility and some complex coding to move TextBox or ComboBox on grid. But this is good idea if some one wants to edit grid with some predefined itemsusing ComboBox.

But if you want to text than there is a simple way to do this; that is the use of Text property of MS Flex Grid Control.

Using the code

To edit MS Flex Grid without using TextBox we have to use .Text property and KeyPressEvent of MS Flex Grid Control.

Private Sub AxMSFlexGrid1_KeyPressEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxMSFlexGridLib.DMSFlexGridEvents_KeyPressEvent) Handles AxMSFlexGrid1.KeyPressEvent

Select Case e.keyAscii

Case 30 To 136

AxMSFlexGrid1.Text += Chr(e.keyAscii)

Case 8

If AxMSFlexGrid1.Text <> "" Then AxMSFlexGrid1.Text = Mid(AxMSFlexGrid1.Text, 1, Len(AxMSFlexGrid1.Text) - 1)

Case 13 And AxMSFlexGrid1.Col <> 2

AxMSFlexGrid1.Col = 2

Case 13 And AxMSFlexGrid1.Col = 2

AxMSFlexGrid1.Rows = AxMSFlexGrid1.Rows + 1

AxMSFlexGrid1.Col = 1

AxMSFlexGrid1.Row = AxMSFlexGrid1.Row + 1

End Select

End Sub

In second techinque I have used a function name moveTextBox to move TextBox at appropriate posiotion and to sent enter text in Grid I have used .Textproperty of Grid control.

Private Sub moveTextBox()
TxtEntry.Visible = True
TxtEntry.Left = VB6.TwipsToPixelsX(AxMSFlexGrid2.CellLeft + VB6.TwipsToPixelsX(AxMSFlexGrid2.Left)) + 17
TxtEntry.Top = VB6.TwipsToPixelsY(AxMSFlexGrid2.CellTop + VB6.TwipsToPixelsY(AxMSFlexGrid2.Top)) + AxMSFlexGrid2.Top
TxtEntry.Width = VB6.TwipsToPixelsX(AxMSFlexGrid2.CellWidth)
TxtEntry.Height = VB6.TwipsToPixelsY(AxMSFlexGrid2.CellHeight)
End Sub

On TextBox's KeyDown event I have assigned TextBox's .Text property to Flex Grid's .Text property

Private Sub TxtEntry_KeyDownEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TxtEntry.KeyDown
If AxMSFlexGrid2.Col = 1 Then
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
AxMSFlexGrid2.Text = TxtEntry.Text
AxMSFlexGrid2.Col = 2
End If
End If
End Sub

On EnterCell event of Grid Control I have called this function.

Private Sub AxMSFlexGrid2_EnterCell(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxMSFlexGrid2.EnterCell
If AxMSFlexGrid2.Col = 2 Then
Call moveCombo()
If AxMSFlexGrid2.get_TextMatrix(AxMSFlexGrid2.Row, 2) <> "" Then
CmbEntry.Text = AxMSFlexGrid2.get_TextMatrix(AxMSFlexGrid2.Row, 2).ToString
CmbEntry.Text = ""
End If
CmbEntry.Visible = False
End If
If AxMSFlexGrid2.Col = 1 Then
Call moveTextBox()
If AxMSFlexGrid2.get_TextMatrix(AxMSFlexGrid2.Row, 1) <> "" Then
TxtEntry.Text = AxMSFlexGrid2.get_TextMatrix(AxMSFlexGrid2.Row, 1).ToString
End If
TxtEntry.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

Thanx And Happy Coding..


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

About the Author

suresh suthar

Hi All.
I am Suresh Suthar from Mumbai India.
I am a Software Developer working in a private firm as a .NET developer.
I born and brought up in a small village Sewari in Rajasthan.
I started my carrier as a data entry operator in 2006. After that I started learning VB 6.0 and VB.NET 2005.
Now I am developing software using VB.Net 2005
and SQL Server 2000/2005.

Here you will some cool source code and a lots of stuff on
SQL Injection, Code Injection, Encription/Decription, Live project, Tutorials on VBScript,JavaScript,Cold Fusion, C#
and many more...
Occupation: Web Developer
Location: India India

AIR Badge

From Adobe Labs

Additional Seamless Install Badge with new look and feel

Last update: 2/25/2008


We have been working hard to create an additional seamless install badge sample for launch. Actually, Grant Skinner ( developed this sample badge for us so that it would be available in time for launch. The badge is "BETA QUALITY", so you may discover bugs. Please report any bugs. You can report bugs at Adobe AIR wishlist or on the Adobe AIR forums. We may post updates to this badge sample on this wiki periodically based on feedback.

This sample badge has a new look and feel with additional detection logic and leverages AIR's "launch now" capability.

You should consider using this sample badge if:

  1. Want a new look and feel (it looks cool!)
  2. Intend to continue distributing a beta 3 application until you port to AIR 1.0. (Logic handles these situations much more gracefully)
  3. Want to leverage the application detection and "launch now" feature
  4. Want a simple way to upgrade end users to correct Flash Player version using express install
  5. Want to provide "help" links


Download Install Badge (113 KB)

Features and Capabilities

  1. Leverages SWFObject to upgrade end-user to supported Flash Player version (Version: 9,0,115,0). Badge installer uses SWFObject embed method by Geoff Stearns. Developers can disable this feature.
    • Flash Player detection:
      • If Flash Player is not installed, text and Flash Player download center links are displayed to end-user. End user must install the Flash Player manually
      • If unsupported Flash Player version is installed (Flash Player 7, Flash Player 8, or pre Flash Player 9,0,115,0) , end-user prompted to upgrade the Flash Player inline via the Express Install feature. Upon successful upgrade the install badge is displayed.
  2. Additional detection logic to handle Beta 3 application deployments when end-user has Adobe AIR 1.0 installed. Please see list below for expected behaviors
    • 'Handling for Beta 3 based applications'
      • If application requires Adobe AIR Beta 3 and no Adobe AIR runtime is installed, badge will install Adobe AIR Beta 3 runtime plus application.
      • If application requires Adobe AIR Beta 3 and Adobe AIR Beta 3 is the only installed runtime, badge will install the application only.
      • If application requires Adobe AIR Beta 3 and Adobe AIR 1.0 is installed, badge will display download links requesting end-users to download the Adobe AIR Beta 3 runtime and application manually. The Adobe AIR 1.0 runtime does not support downloading or installing Beta versions.
    • 'Handling of AIR 1.0 based applications
      • 'If application requires Adobe AIR 1.0 and no Adobe AIR runtime is installed, badge will install Adobe AIR 1.0 runtime plus application.
      • If application requires Adobe AIR 1.0 and Adobe AIR 1.0 runtime is installed, badge will install the application only.
      • If application requires Adobe AIR 1.0 and Adobe AIR Beta 3 is installed, badge will install the Adobe AIR 1.0 runtime plus application
  3. Includes capabilities to detect and launch ("launch now") installed applications. Note: Application must have opted-in to be detected and launched. Pleas see Adobe AIR documentation for details on how to make your application detectable.
  4. Provides customizable "help" text and links. This allows end users who encounter problems installing the application to get more information
  5. Customizable text display

Please see the "Getting Started Guide" for features, parameters, documentation. All necessary files including the source code can be found in the .zip file.

Additional Resources

Adobe AIR documentation:

Adobe AIR dev guide for Flash:

Adobe AIR dev guides for HTML and Ajax:

SWFObject documentation:

Adobe Developer Center

Simple Flex Tutorial

I've been learning Flex for a presentation at my local CFUG, and I'm actually quite impressed with how much you can do with so little code.

However, most of the Flex tutorials I have found are very long and over simplified, so I've created a simple blog reader in 23 lines of MXML code to use as a tutorial. Here's what our Flex Application will look like:

flex blog reader screen shot

How does the example work?

When you click the Load Blog Entries button my RSS feed entries are loaded into the datagrid. When you click on a row in the datagrid the corresponding entry is loaded into the text area.

Step 1 - XML and Application declaration

Start your XML file with a XML declaration, and an mx:Application tag:

Step 2 - Define your HTTPService

Our first step is to define the HTTPService that we will use to connect to my RSS feed. We will give an id of httpRSS so we can refer back to it.

Step 3 - Enclose your controls within a panel

A panel is simply a container to put controls (the DataGrid, TextArea, and Button) into. We are going to set some attributes on the panel as well, it should be pretty easy to figure out what they mean:

Step 4 - Define your DataGrid

We are using the DataGrid component to display the list of blog entries in my RSS feed, along with their date.

This step is probably the most complicated step because we have to bind our RSS xml data to the datagrid, and define an event handler when the rows are clicked.

In the attributes of the DataGrid we are using dynamic variables or expressions denoted by the curly braces {variable}.

Ok so there is a lot going on there, first so I'll break it down a bit:


We are setting the width dynamically based on the size of its parent panel reader, specifically we set it to be 15 pixels narrower than its panel.


In the dataProvider attribute we are binding the data for this grid to the result of our HTTPService named httpRSS. More specifically we want to bind each item tag in our XML file to a row in the datagrid. Since the item tags are inside the rss and channel tags we refer to it the array of items as


Next we want to create an event handler that will display the contents of the description tag inside the item that is clicked on. Using the variable entries.selectedIndex we know which item was clicked on, and we can refer to the description (the entry body) of that item as:[entries.selectedIndex].description.

Now we just need to set the value of our TextArea which we will define in the next step to the rss item description, so we simply assign that value to the htmlText property of the TextArea (whose name will be body).


Now we need to define which columns we are to display in the datagrid. The columnName must match the tag name that we want it to correspond to.

Step 5 - Define the TextArea

Use the mx:TextArea tag to define the text area where the entry body will go:

Step 6 - Create a Button

Our last control to define is a Button which will simply tell the HTTPService to make the request.

In the click event handler we call the send() method on our HTTPService object.

Step 7 - Close Panel and Application

Simply close some tags, and your done!

One Caveat

Flex 1.5 uses a proxy to invoke HTTPService calls, and other remote service calls, and for security reasons the proxy will block the HTTP call. You add the RSS feed url (or simply http://*) to the proxy whitelist in your flex-config.xml. See this KB article for more info.

Complete MXML source code:

Flex:Open Source

From Adobe Labs

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Adobe to Open Source Flex

On April 26, Adobe announced strategic plans to move the development of Flex to an open source model.


Adobe is announcing plans to open source Flex under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). This includes not only the source to the ActionScript components from the Flex SDK, which have been available in source code form with the SDK since Flex 2 was released, but also includes the Java source code for the ActionScript and MXML compilers, the ActionScript debugger and the core ActionScript libraries from the SDK. The Flex SDK includes all of the components needed to create Flex applications that run in any browser - on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux and on now on the desktop using “Apollo”.

Developers can use the Flex SDK to freely develop and deploy Flex applications using either Adobe Flex Builder or an IDE of their choice.


The source code for the Flex SDK will be available under the Mozilla Public License (MPL). The MPL will allow full and free access to the source code, allowing developers to download, extend, and contribute to the source code for the Flex compiler and framework classes. The Flex SDK will also be available under a commercial Adobe license. Offering a choice of licenses serves the needs of enterprise Flex customers and partners.

Mozilla Public License FAQ:

The annotated Mozilla Public License (explained in layman’s terms)


The source code for the Flex framework is already available within the free distribution of the current Flex 2 SDK. By this summer, Adobe plans to put in place most of the infrastructure (public bug database and public daily builds) required to run the Flex SDK as an open source project. We expect to complete the transition to a fully open source project (source code for the compiler, infrastructure for community contributions, etc.) by early 2008.

Currently Supported Platforms

  • Windows XP, Server 2003, or Windows Vista Professional/Ultimate with Java 1.4 (Sun, IBM, or BEA) or 1.5 (Sun)
  • Mac OS X 10.4.x, Java 1.5 (as shipped from Apple) on PowerPC and Intel processor
  • Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4, Suse 10, Java 1.4 (Sun, IBM, or BEA) or 1.5 (Sun)
  • Solaris 9, 10, Java 1.4 or 1.5 (Sun) Compilers only

More Information and FAQ

This FAQ will provide all the details and hopefully answer all your questions.

How can I ask more questions?

You can participate in our discussion group.

Silverlight - General

Title / Updated Author Score
Silverlight 2 Beta 2: The first native rich text editor
Updated: 8 Jun 2008
In contrast to existing ones, my RTE is fully written in C#, and doesn't use any HTML rendering or JavaScript. Most common features are supported!
.NET 3.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, .NET, Dev, XAML, WPF, Design, Intermediate
Christoph Husse 4.87
DeepZoom - Unedited
Updated: 13 May 2008
An article showing how to do DeepZoom in Silverlight 2.0
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, ASP.NET, .NET, Dev, Design, Intermediate
Sacha Barber 4.81
A simple treeview in Silverlight 2b1 - Unedited
Updated: 14 May 2008
Créating a templatable treeview in silverlight
C#, Advanced
Valentin Billotte 4.74
Legion: Build your own virtual super computer with Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 29 Dec 2007
Legion is a grid computing framework that uses the Silverlight CLR to execute user definable tasks. It provides grid-wide thread-safe operations for web clients. Client performance metrics, such as bandwidth and processor speed, may be used to tailor jobs. Also includes a WPF Manager application.
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, ASP.NET, .NET, Visual Studio, CEO, Arch, Dev, WCF, XAML, WPF, Advanced
Daniel Vaughan 4.69
Silverlight Alien Sokoban
Updated: 11 Nov 2007
A fun Silverlight implementation of the game Sokoban. Contrasting Silverlight 1.1 and WPF, while showcasing some new features of C# 3.0, Expression Design, Expression Blend, and Visual Studio 2008.
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, ASP.NET, Windows, Dev, XAML, WebForms, Design, Intermediate
Daniel Vaughan 4.67
BackgroundWorker in Silverlight
Updated: 4 Feb 2008
Why not create our own BackgroundWorker for use with Silverlight?
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#, ASP.NET, WinCE, .NET, Dev, WebForms, Intermediate
Valentin Billotte 4.67
CRUD operations in Siverlight using ADO.NET Data Service
Updated: 10 Feb 2008
The simplest way to do CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations in Silverlight using ADO.NET Data Service (Astoria).
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, ASP.NET, Windows, .NET, Dev, ADO.NET, WebForms, Ajax, Intermediate
Michael Sync 4.65
Silverlight 1.1 Fun and Games
Updated: 1 Nov 2007
Silverlight 1.1 Fun and Games
.NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, XML, Windows, Dev, Design, Intermediate
Sacha Barber 4.64
SilverStunts - a data driven game in SilverLight - Unedited
Updated: 31 Dec 2007
The article discusses concepts of data driven web games. An example game 'SilverStunts' is presented and described in more technical details.
Win2K, WinXP, Vista, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, Javascript, XML, CSS, Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, HTML, Dev, XHTML, XAML, Intermediate
Antonin Hildebrand 4.60
Creating and Reusing Dynamic Animations in Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 21 Mar 2008
Create dynamic animations and a simple way to reuse them to reduce xaml code size
C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, Beginner, Intermediate
SteveLi-Cellbi 4.60
Silverlight Super TextBox (ComboBox, Masked TextBox and More)
Updated: 31 Mar 2008
Supplementing the Silverlight 2.0b1 Controls
C#, ASP.NET, Dev, Intermediate
Robert Linders 4.57
Networking in Silverlight and WPF or how to make them speak one each other - Unedited
Updated: 22 Apr 2008
How to use raw sockets in Silverlight application and how to make silverlight to speak with windows forms and wpf
IIS 5, IIS 5.1, IIS 6, VS2005, C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, IIS 7, VS2008, C#, VB, ASP, ASP.NET, VBScript, Javascript, XML, Windows, .NET, Win32, Win64, IIS, Visual Studio, HTML, GDI+, Arch, Dev, XAML, WPF, WinForms, XSLT, Ajax, Intermediate
Tamir Khason 4.57
Generate Silverlight 2 DeepZoom image collection from multi-page tiff - Unedited
Updated: 29 Jun 2008
Fast generation of DeepZoom image tile sets, collection thumbnails and xml data in managed code without using external tools
.NET 2.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, .NET, GDI+, Dev, WinForms, Intermediate
Berend Engelbrecht 4.56
DrawingBrush for Silverlight 2.0
Updated: 12 May 2008
This article is about how to build the missing DrawingBrush object for Silverlight. Also, we'll learn about how to deeply clone Silverlight objects.
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#, Javascript, XML, Windows, .NET, HTML, IE, Dev, XHTML, XAML, WinForms, WebForms, Intermediate
Tamir Khason 4.50
Silverlight Controls - The Path to Reusable XAML
Updated: 23 Dec 2007
An article about Silverlight Controls - The path to reusable XAML
C#, Javascript, XML, Windows, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Justin-Josef Angel [MVP] 4.45
Silverlight2 Lightbox - Unedited
Updated: 28 Apr 2008
A Silverlight2 lightbox control
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, Javascript, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, XAML, Design, Intermediate
Tim Mason 4.43
Developing a Custom Control for Silverlight 2.0 - Unedited
Updated: 14 Apr 2008
In this article I show the key steps to develop a Silverlight 2.0 custom control
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, Windows, .NET, Dev, XAML, Design, Beginner
Attila Hajdrik 4.41
Beginning Silverlight 1.1 Part 1
Updated: 12 Oct 2007
Describing basic Silverlight principles
C#, Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, Beginner
Andrey Baskov 4.41
Clog - Client Logging, Silverlight Edition
Updated: 14 Jan 2008
A customizable log provider system that allows you to harness your existing logging system to log client side messages to your server. Includes a Silverlight interface and Log Viewer.
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, ASP.NET, Windows, Dev, QA, XAML, Design, Intermediate
Daniel Vaughan 4.34
Silverlight Animations in a Practical Business Application - Unedited
Updated: 29 Dec 2007
An article on building a practical business application using Silverlight animations
WinXP, Win2003, Vista, C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, .NET, Visual Studio, HTML, CEO, Arch, Dev, XAML, WPF, Design, Intermediate, Advanced
Cal Schrotenboer 4.34
AjaxControlToolkit, Silverlight and JavaScript
Updated: 27 May 2008
An article on combining Silverlight and JavaScript in an ASP.NET Web page
.NET 2.0, C#, ASP.NET, Javascript, Windows, Dev, Intermediate 4.20
SilverLight Introduction
Updated: 26 May 2007
Tinkering with SilverLight to get a 3D scene rendered in the Browser.
VS2005, .NET 3.0, C#, Javascript, Windows, HTML, Arch, Dev, WPF, Intermediate
.Suchit 4.16
Silverlight based AJAX line graph
Updated: 7 Aug 2007
An article on creating real time line graphs for webpages using AJAX and Silverlight.
ASP.NET, Javascript, XML, Windows, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, XAML, WebForms, Ajax, Design, Intermediate
ashish_patil++ 4.14
Hosting XAML files for Silverlight without registering MIME types on Web Server - Unedited
Updated: 28 Nov 2007
IIS rejects files with unknown type and ISP providers may not have updated their servers with the XAML MIME type. Article suggests a work around to host XAML files.
IIS 6, VS2005, .NET 3.0, IIS 7, .NET 3.5, Windows, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Sriram Chitturi 4.08
Sierpinski Triangle - An Introduction into Silverlight by Example
Updated: 20 May 2007
An Introduction into Silverlight by Example
WinXP, Vista, IIS 6, VS2005, IE 6.0, C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, IE 7, C# 3.0, IIS 7, ASP.NET, Javascript, HTML, Dev, XAML, WebForms, Design, Beginner 4.06
WrapPanel for Silverlight 2.0 - Unedited
Updated: 6 Mar 2008
Simple example of custom panel using Silverlight 2.0
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, .NET
lneir 4.05
Meet Microsoft Popfly: Part I - Mashup App Creator Built On Silverlight
Updated: 3 Jun 2007
Learn more about the Mashup creator, Popfly space, and the Web page creator.
.NET 2.0, IIS 6, VS2005, IE 6.0, C# 2.0, IE 7, ASP.NET, Javascript, XML, Windows, HTML, Dev, XAML, WPF, WebForms, Ajax, Design, Beginner 4.05
Silverlight 1.1 Hebrew and Arabic Language Support
Updated: 31 Jan 2008
An article presenting Silverlight 1.1 Hebrew and Arabic language support
C#, XML, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Justin-Josef Angel [MVP] 3.94
Silverlight 1.0 Full JavaScript Intellisense
Updated: 21 Dec 2007
An article about Silverlight 1.0 full JavaScript Intellisense
Javascript, XML, Windows, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Justin-Josef Angel [MVP] 3.81
Developing of silverlight-enabled ASP.NET controls - Unedited
Updated: 4 Jan 2008
This article shows you how to bring revolutionary UI provided by MS Silverlight to the world of ASP.NET control development with the help of recent released ASP.NET 3.5 Extensions CTP
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, ASP.NET, Javascript, .NET, Dev, XAML, Ajax, Design, Advanced
Aleksey Zaharov 3.52
Silverlight 2.0 components development - Unedited
Updated: 24 Apr 2008
This article has been initiated by some knowledge that we wanted to share based on our Silverlight experiences from one of the projects that we made.
.NET 2.0, C# 1.0, C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, C# 3.0, C#, Dev, XAML, WPF, Beginner, Intermediate
Enterra 3.36
Silverlights Out - An Introduction into Silverlight by Example
Updated: 13 May 2007
An Introduction into Silverlight by Example
WinXP, Vista, IIS 6, IE 6.0, C# 2.0, .NET 3.0, IE 7, C# 3.0, IIS 7, ASP.NET, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Dev, XAML, WebForms, Beginner 3.19
Drop Down menu in Silverlight 2 - Unedited
Updated: 26 May 2008
Drop Down menu using popup control in Silverlight 2
.NET 3.5, VS2008, C#, .NET, Visual Studio, Dev, Intermediate
RazanPaul 2.77
Silverlight - Save Web Page - Unedited
Updated: 15 Apr 2008
Saving the silverlight based web control to the database.
VS2008, ASP.NET, Visual Studio, XAML
Yildirim Kocdag 2.64
XAML and Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 6 Apr 2008
What is XAML and its basics
.NET 3.0, C# 3.0, C#, ASP.NET, Javascript, .NET, HTML, Dev, XAML, Ajax, Design, Beginner
Nandini S Anatharam 2.30
How to implement paging in Silver Light2 DataGrid - Unedited
Updated: 26 Apr 2008
How to implement paging in Silver Light2 DataGrid
C# 3.0, C#, ASP.NET
setu_raas 2.00
Html Password Box with Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 1 Jul 2008
How to communicate from javascript/html page to Silverlight application using password form
VS2008, C#, ASP.NET, Windows, Visual Studio, Dev, WebForms, Beginner, MacOS
Maciej Gren 1.00

Silverlight Charts - Visifire

Silverlight Charts

  • Visually Stunning Animated Charts

  • Embed into any web page in minutes

  • Open Source / Free license

  • Tiny footprint (140 KB)

  • Enterprise grade features

Download Gallery
Videos Chart Designer

Microsoft Silverlight - Controls

Title / Updated Author Score
Tall skinny data columns using improved WrapPanel for Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 3 Jul 2008
Reusable code to do narrow data columns with navigation buttons, such as address lists.
C# 3.0, .NET 3.5, C#, .NET, Dev, Intermediate
Matt Perdeck 5.00
A Textured Triangle Control for Silverlight 2 - the Basic Building Block for 3D
Updated: 11 Jun 2008
This article is all about implementing a triangle primitive as a custom control in Silverlight 2.0 that can be used for 3D effects in Silveright.
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, C#, .NET, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Florian Kruesch 4.04
Silverlight integrated into ASP.NET Ajax Control (Fifteen Puzzle Game) - Unedited
Updated: 17 Jun 2008
Silverlight integrated into ASP.NET Ajax Control (Fifteen Puzzle Game)
.NET 2.0, VS2005, C# 2.0, C#, ASP.NET, Javascript, XML, CSS, .NET, Visual Studio, HTML, Dev, XHTML, XAML, WebForms, Ajax, Beginner
Ferreri Gabriele (Megasoft78) 4.04
Reusable Silverlight Popup Logic - Unedited
Updated: 22 May 2008
Encapsulated Popup logic for easy reusable Silverlight popups.
C# 3.0, C#, ASP.NET, Dev, Beginner
Chuck Kinnan 3.60
Silverlight Password Box - Unedited
Updated: 30 Jun 2008
An small article about how to create simple password text box in Silverlight 2 Beta 2
C# 1.0, C# 2.0, C# 3.0, VS2008, C#, Windows, Visual Studio, Dev, Design, Beginner
Maciej Gren 3.50
Numbered And Bulleted Lists for Silverlight - Unedited
Updated: 8 Jun 2008
Counterpart of HTML's ol and ul tags for Silverlight
.NET 3.0, C# 3.0, C#, .NET, Dev, XAML, Intermediate
Matt Perdeck 3.00
Running video in silverlight site using Expression Blend - Unedited
Updated: 14 May 2008
Running video in silverlight site using Expression Blend
.NET 3.5, VS2008, ASP, ASP.NET, Javascript, CSS, .NET, Visual Studio, HTML, XHTML, XAML, WebForms, Ajax, Beginner
Praveen Chandran

Mono offers open-source spin on Silverlight

The Novell-led Mono project this week made the first, though incomplete, public release of Moonlight, an open-source implementation of Microsoft's Silverlight, a browser plug-in that competes with products such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, Adobe Shockwave, JavaFX, and Apple QuickTime.

The project has received Microsoft backing as part of a controversial 2006 intellectual-property arrangement between Novell and Microsoft.

Mono, directed by Novell employee Miguel de Icaza, is aiming to create an open-source, cross-platform set of tools compatible with Microsoft's .Net programming framework.

Moonlight is the project's upcoming implementation of Silverlight, a plug-in first introduced in September 2007, which supports rich Internet media such as animation, vector graphics, and audio-video playback. (CNET's Martin LaMonica got the early word on Moonlight last month.)

Silverlight supports Windows and Mac OS X, and Microsoft has planned support for mobile devices, but the software does not support Linux operating systems.

Moonlight supports the Silverlight 1.0 profile for Linux, de Icaza said in a blog post Tuesday.

Users can install a downloadable version for Mozilla Firefox on Linux that does not include media codec support, or can compile the software from source code, de Icaza said. Firefox 2 and 3 are supported, he said.

The release is not yet feature-complete, and is intended for developers who want to contribute to the project, according to de Icaza. Missing features include components in media codecs and the media pipeline. The release also features about 70 known bugs, he said.

There are also some problems with recent changes to Firefox 3 that stop Moonlight from working and which require a workaround, de Icaza said.

The release supports "windowless" mode, which allows Silverlight content to blend with other HTML elements on a page, but this is supported only in Firefox 3, according to de Icaza.

The final version of Moonlight is to use audio and video codecs provided by Microsoft, as part of a wide-reaching and controversial intellectual-property deal between the software giant and Novell in late 2006.

The support of proprietary media codecs, such as those used in Silverlight, has caused some controversy within the open-source world, with Tristan Nitot, the founder of Mozilla Europe, recently warning that companies building Web sites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Silverlight and Adobe's Flash.

Matthew Broersma of ZDNet UK reported from London.

Silverlight open source implementation released

The Novell-led Mono project this week made the first, though incomplete, public release of Moonlight, an open source implementation of Microsoft's Silverlight, a browser plug-in that competes with products such as Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, Adobe Shockwave, JavaFX, and Apple QuickTime.

The project has received Microsoft backing as part of a controversial 2006 intellectual-property arrangement between Novell and Microsoft.

Mono, directed by Novell employee Miguel de Icaza, is aiming to create an open source, cross-platform set of tools compatible with Microsoft's .Net programming framework.

Moonlight is the project's upcoming implementation of Silverlight, a plug-in first introduced in September 2007, which supports rich Internet media, such as animation, vector graphics and audio-video playback.

Silverlight supports Windows and Mac OS X, and Microsoft has planned support for mobile devices, but the software does not support Linux operating systems.

Moonlight supports the Silverlight 1.0 profile for Linux, de Icaza said in a blog post on Tuesday.

Users can install a downloadable version for Mozilla Firefox on Linux that does not include media codec support, or can compile the software from source code, de Icaza said. Firefox 2 and 3 are supported, he said.

The release is not yet feature-complete, and is intended for developers who want to contribute to the project, according to de Icaza. Missing features include components in media codecs and the media pipeline. The release also features about 70 known bugs, he said.

There are also some problems with recent changes to Firefox 3 that stop Moonlight from working and which require a workaround, de Icaza said.

The release supports "windowless" mode, which allows Silverlight content to blend with other HTML elements on a page, but this is only supported in Firefox 3, according to de Icaza.

The final version of Moonlight is to use audio and video codecs provided by Microsoft, as part of a wide-reaching and controversial intellectual-property deal between the software giant and Novell in late 2006.

The support of proprietary media codecs, such as those used in Silverlight, has caused some controversy within the open source world, with Tristan Nitot, the founder of Mozilla Europe, recently warning that companies building Web sites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Silverlight and Adobe's Flash.

Reference site:,39044164,62041473,00.htm